Handle Your Research Data Like a Pro

Akce OS centra

- workshop for PhD Students

Handle Your Research Data Like a Pro

Don’t fall behind the open data trend! Sign up for a hands-on workshop with the university data steward and master your research data management skills.

From basics of versioning and back-up strategies to readme files and data documentation. This workshop aims at teaching you good practices of saving, storing, documenting, and preparing your research to fulfil the requirements on open data in academic journals and funded projects.

Building A – classroom A414 (N5005)

25.3. – 9:00 AM

Registration: https://forms.office.com/e/qw4t5z2EpA 

Check other events from this workshop series: https://uvis.mendelu.cz/article/workshop-phd 



Open Science centrum

OS centrum MENDELU

  • Ulice: Zemědělská 1
  • Město: Brno