The first series of PhD School workshops is successfully over!

29. 4. 2024 -

On Wednesday the 24th of April, we finished a last workshop Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Scientific Writing with professor Miller from the series about academic writing.

The workshops were facilitated by leading scientists from various disciplines within our university. During these sessions, students gained insights into the significance of publishing in the scientific community, the art of storytelling in research, and various other aspects of scientific writing.

One idea that resonated with me is the importance of not allowing oneself to be disheartened by "negative" outcomes. Instead, recognizing their potential as valuable assets can offer both personal guidance and steer others in fruitful directions with their own research.

All the PhD students have my respect. They are the pioneers of new innovations and future methodologies in research. We are appreciative of the opportunity to invest in these students' endeavors.

Thanks to all who actively participated at our workshops! It was a great pleasure to meet you all.

Final quotes by Winston Churchill that one of the speakers left us with was

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts”.

Now face your fears and make things happen! Be courageous and take the privilege to set the example in your field!