Writefull - automatic proofreading of scientific writing

Akce Knihovny

  • Datum konání: Čt, 6. 3. 2025
  • Čas konání: 10:00
  • Pořadatel:

Online, registration required

Date:  6. 3. 2025, 10:00 –11:00 
Plase:  online


During the seminar, we will introduce you to the basic philosophy of the system and show you how to use each tool:

  • Writefull for Word – an add-in for Microsoft Word, where you can continuously check the text while writing
  • Writefull Revise – used to revise already prepared text
  • Writefull Cite – allows to identify parts of the text where missing references should be added

The webinar will be held online in English.

You can register even if you are not available at the time, the seminar will be recorded and you will receive a link to the recording afterwards.

Registration and more information

MENDELU has a subscription to the full version of Writefull, which includes AI futures.

Instructions for installing or using the Writefull web app can be found on the Library website