CAB Digital Library - unified interface for working with CABI databases

4. 4. 2024 -

11/4/2024 10:00 AM-10:45 AM

MENDELU Library invites you to a webinar on CAB Abstracts and CABI Compendia databases:

CAB Digital Library - unified interface for working with CABI databases

Lecturer: Joe Tagg, CABI Publishing

Date and time: 11.4.2024, 10:00-10:45 a.m.

Webinar language: ENG

Subject areas: agriculture, animal and plant production, plant and animal physiology, fisheries and hydrobiology, horticulture, forestry, breeding, plant protection, genetics, ecology, rural development, veterinary medicine, food industry, human nutrition, etc.


You can register even if you are not available at the time, the seminar will be recorded and you will receive a link to the recording afterwards.