Main agenda of the Department of Research and Development


  • Organisational, technical and administrative support for the Chancellor's Committee for Creative Activities and the International Evaluation Panel
  • Preparation of analytical, synthetic and methodological materials in the field of creative activities in research, development and innovation.
  • Monitoring of research, development, innovation and artistic activities at the University
  • Preparation of a report on the scientific, research and artistic activities of the University
  • Administration of nominations of University representatives to evaluation panels of financial support providers, including the RVVI (Research, development and innovation councils)
  • Publication of data on scientific and academic qualifications at MŠMT (The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports)
  • Methodological support and administration of habilitation proceedings and proceedings for nominating professors
  • Organisational and technical support for graduation ceremonies of doctoral graduates, the awarding of decrees to newly appointed associate professors and the conferment of the honorary scientific degree doctor honoris causa