Open Science centre MENDELU provides methodological support to authors regarding Open Science, Open Access and Research Data Management.
Head of Open Science center: Mgr. Naděžda Fasurová, Ph.D.
Data Steward: Soňa Kehmová, MA
Open Access manager: Mgr. Martina Šmardová
The administrator of the open repository: Stanislav Kajtár (
T: +420 545 135 045
- The Open repository MENDELU
- Approving the requests for Fund for Open Access publishing
- Support of Open Access publishing
- Publisher´s discounts on Publication fees
- Author identifiers:
- ORCID, ResearcherID in Web of Science, Scopus Author ID
- Updating ORCID profiles with author´s publications
- Consultations
- Checking the journals, checking university publication results in journals
- Information on Creative Commons licenses
- Methodological support regarding the creation of the Data Management Plan
- Information on Open Science requirements in projects