Library information for graduating students

24. 5. 2024 -

at Mendel University in Brno

Upon graduation, all obligations to the Library must be settled, in particular:

  1. Return all loans. Loans from all Library parts can be returned to any of the biblioboxes outside the libraries in Brno in Building A, Building Z or Lednice, regardless of where they were borrowed. Books can also be returned by post. Loans from sub-libraries must be returned to the sub-library, or in exceptional cases to the bibliobox. Any questions should be addressed to .
  2. Pay overdue fees, if any. You can find out what books you have borrowed and the fees in the "My Account" tab in the online catalogue -
  3. You don't need any proof from the Library when you graduate. Unreturned books and unpaid overdue fees are also exacted from graduates by the Library and subsequently by the University's legal department. But due to reimbursement of expenses incurred, the amount is much higher.
  4. We recommend that you withdraw the balances in your ISKAM account before the graduation.

Congratulations on your graduation and we wish you every success in your future life. You can continue to use the library of Mendel University in Brno as an external user.
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