Opening hours and contacts

Photoshoot at ISIC and ID photos every working day 9:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 14:00

Pavel Jelínek 


Email: Phone.: 545 135 028 , 778 768 666
Address: Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, building A, ground floor, photographic studio next to the library, room P 1060

Loans of data projectors and sound systems

Martin Dvořák
Phone: 545 133 237 
Address: Zemědělská 1752/1a, 613 00 Brno, building A, basement


NameOfficePhone numberE-mail

Bc. Michal Puna

  • head of department, cameraman, graphic work, digital photography

+420 545 135 012

+420 778 768 670

Bc. Šárka Pucová

  • secretariat, depreciation assessments


+420 545 135 021

Martin Dvořák

  • operation of IIS, Aula MENDELU and depreciation assessments,
    lender of projectors and audio equipment
A01.05 +420 545 135 072

Ing. Jan Špaček

  • administration of school-wide auditoriums, technicians, cameraman

+420 545 135 020

+420 731 754 196

MgA. Klára Kvadrová

  • photographer
A01.62 +420 545 135 047  

BcA.Dominika Prášková

  • photographer
A01.60 +420 545 135 028

František Nádeníček

  • cameraman, video technician

+420 545 133 237



Marek Pilger

  • cameraman, video technician
A01.05 +420 545 135 027

Pavel Jelínek 

  • photographer, photography and production of student and employee cards


+420 545 135 028

+420 778 768 666

 MgA. Monika Kavalo

  • photographer

+420 545 135 017

+420 778 768 645

 BcA. Monika Šarlejová
  • photographer
 A01.05   +420 545 133 237