The Open repository of research and development results of the Mendel University in Brno makes the full texts of articles, books and other publications of MENDELU authors freely accessible in the form that the publishers allow to be archived under their license conditions. The repository is created in accordance with Open Access. The implementation and content of the repository is determined by the Rector's Methodological Instruction 2/2022: Open repository of research and development results.
The source of articles, books and other publications for the repository is OBD, the system for recording the results of research and development at MENDELU. Results are added to the repository (DSpace environment) from the OBD system by an Open Science Centre employee. The repository is indexed in the databases OpenDOAR, ROAR, BASE and it is connected to the OpenAIRE portal.
- open access to the results of research and development at MENDELU,
- access to the results financially supported by public sources,
- raising awareness of the university scientific results.
The author asks the library to add the result (Open Access article, book and other Open Access publication) into the repository via the Report of Research and Development Result (Hlášenka). The Open Science Centre employee will add the Open Access result from the OBD system into the open repository.
Select the Report checkbox for repository:

If you need to get co-authors' consent, you can use the prepared email.
If you need to add your Open Access result to the repository additionally (you can no longer use the Report, because the entry in OBD has already been closed), please contact: repozitar[at] We will be happy to help you.
If you need to add your result to the university's open repository to meet the project conditions, contact us: repozitar[at]