

EndNote X9 reference management tool.

EndNote X9 was purchased with financial support from the project Development of the Capacity for Research and Development at Mendel University in Brno, project reg. No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_028/0006175.



  • Direct import from databases.
  • More than 8.000 citation styles areavailable, and you can create your own citation style.
  • Attaching of a fulltext PDF.
  • Export of reference list in HTML, plaintext, RTF, xml.
  • Fulltext search within documents and records.
  • Connecting the desktop app with online account that ensures synchronization.
  • Plugin for inserting references to MS Word / Open Office Writer.
  • Sharing and colaborating with colleagues.


Citation style of Mendel University in Brno or the Library Recommends

You can implement the Mendel University of Brno or Library Recommends citation style template into the desktop version of EndNote citation manager (citation style rules are described in the manual).

The following versions of the template are available:

How to implement citation style into EndNote:

  • go to the file with the desired citation style template, right-click and select 'Save link as',
  • rename the file by deleting the word 'EndNote-' from the existing name and removing the underscores, the file name should start with 'Mendel University in Brno [...]', and save it in the appropriate folder on your computer,
  • double click on the saved file – the file will open in the EndNote citation manager,
  • in the 'File' tab of the citation manager, select 'Save as' and save the file under the current name (you can delete or keep the word 'Copy' in the offered name),
  • in the 'Edit' tab, select 'Output Styles', then 'Open Style Manager', find the appropriate style and tick it to add it to your favorites.

If you would like to see a form for any other type of document in the template, or if you  find any inconsistencies in the quotes generated, please let us know via form.


Instructions and tutorials

For a short introduction to the EndNote X9, you can use the Quick Reference Guide, more comprehensive The EndNote Guided Tour, or see more tutorials.



To obtain the license for EndNote X9 or for more instructions, please contact: