All important information on Open Access and research data can be found in the handbook: Research data and open access to outputs/results The Open Science requirements are in the documentation for the announced projects.
The condition of open access is considered to be met
1. The output/result is saved in a repository - the beneficiary must save the machine-readable final version of the text (i.e., the publisher’s version, or postprint) in the repository without unnecessary delay after completing the output/result. The beneficiary should store underlying data in the repository at the same time as saving the output/result
- put the publication results into a repository, the repository serves for long-term archiving of the results of science and research. You can use the MENDELU Open Repository for Publications to fulfil this condition. The Open Science Centrum will be happy to help you with uploading your publication to the Open Repository (repozitar[at] It is not enough just to publish in Open Access, it is also necessary to
- You can upload your research data (supporting data for publication) to a data repository. General repositories: Zenodo or National data repository. You can also use the subject repositories, search here: Re3data or OpenDoar.
2. Open access to the output/result is ensured - - the beneficiary must ensure open access (publish) in one of the following ways:
2.1. Auto-archiving (the green path of open access) - Making the full text available in an open, trusted repository within 6 months (12 months in the case of social sciences and humanities) from publication (of an article or similar publication results) or from completion (for other types) of the result, but by the end of the project at the latest. For this purpose, the beneficiary may conclude an addendum to the publication contract with the publisher, an example can be found in the documentation.
- In case there is no Open Access agreement with the publisher and you need to publish the article in the MENDELU repository, please contact the Open Science Centrum, as it is necessary to check or request the publisher's conditions for auto-archiving the article in the repository.
2.2. Publishing in an open journal (the golden path of open access) – Immediate open access through the publication of an article in an “open journal”. The publisher usually requires the author to pay a fee (an article processing charge - APC).
- DOAJ. In some projects it is possible to plan APC fees into the eligible project costs. Open Access journals can be found in the
In the project proposal, describe the method of managing research data and provide information on the availability and method of dissemination of research results and research data, if they were created with funding from state aid pursuant to this Act, in accordance with the principle that research results and research data are not published only in justified cases;
- You can use the example text to describe the management of research data, always modify according to reality:
Note: Replace or add the yellow text according to reality!
"The project will generate XY data in ZX format using the YZmethod.
The research data will be stored onXY//e.g. shared disk of the workplace/e.g. OneDrive (O365), which is backed up regularly.
The research data will be described, using: e.g. a laboratory journal/text file README/etc. The data will be described according to the practices of the workplace: e.g. the date of measurement, method, measurement parameters, instrument, etc. will be described (Note: according to your research)..
The source data for the publication outputs of the project will also be stored on the shared drive/XY in accordance with the principle of as open as possible as closed as necessary. (Notes: If the data is not covered by the data opening exception, see p. 6 HERE. (If an exception applies, describe it). The research data will be published in a repository such as Zenodo or in a national data repository from CESNET or in the domain specific repository XY. The data will be assigned a persistent DOI identifier and described with basic metadata.
The management of research data will be in accordance with FAIR principles and will be described in a Data Stewardship Plan to be created in the Data Stewardship Wizard/ using the Horizon Europe template/ using the Data Stewardship Plan prepared by TAČR."
It is always necessary to check the specific project documentation, the conditions for the Data Management Plan vary! If you are unsure, contact the Open Science Centrum.
Submit the Data Management Plan together with the first interim report, which will contain information about; a. which data will be created, processed, or collected; b. what methods and principles of their management will be used with regard to the FAIR principles (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability); c. how the data will be shared and published; d. and in what way will the data be stored during the implementation of the project and preserved after the end of the project;
You need to check when the Data Management Plan needs to be submitted, in some calls it is already in the project proposal, sometimes with the first interim report, sometimes with the final report.
Two templates for the Data Management Plan can be used for TAČR: In most cases (always check the text of the call!), the beneficiaries can choose between the TA ČR form or the translated European Commission template for the Horizon Europe programme. Forms are in the project call documents section attached to the tender documents.
You can also use the Data Stewardship Wizard with the Horizon Europe template: