Glossary of Open Science terms

a free anonymisation tool that removes identifying information from the data. After uploading a data file that contains personal information, the original data file is transformed by the tool and the result is a data file that is anonymised as far as personal and sensitive data is concerned.


The process of concealing the identity of all persons or institutions under investigation in all documents that are the output of scientific research

APC - Article Processing Charge

The article processing charge (sometimes called an author fee) that a publisher charges authors for publishing an article in an open access journal

Citizen Science

Refers to projects that actively engage the general public in scientific endeavours to democratise science 

Data management

Research data management; a set of activities related to data management

Data management plan

A formal document describing the management cycle of data collected, processed or generated during and after project implementation

Data repository

Information system designed for long-term preservation and dissemination of digital objects - data, i.e. ensuring the storage, protection, integrity, authenticity and accessibility of digital objects in the long term

Data steward

Data management specialist(s)

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Persistent identifier of a digital object, one of the persistent identifiers

Domain specific repository

An information system designed for the long-term preservation and dissemination of digital objects from a specific scientific field (research results), i.e. ensuring the storage, protection, integrity, authenticity and accessibility of digital objects in the long term  


The period of time from the publication of the copyright work for which the publisher prohibits its publication in the open access mode

EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)

An initiative that aims to build a common research space with freely available services. It is designed to store, archive, manage, reuse, analyse and share data across all scientific disciplines

FAIR principles

Defining the principles according to which (meta)data should be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

A legal framework of seven principles established across the European Union (EU) to protect personal data. The framework aims to put citizens in control of their personal data while regulating the parties involved in the storage and processing of that data 

Gold Open Access

The publisher allows authors to publish in open journals for an APC fee, the article is immediately available to the public upon publication, without restriction

Green Open Access

The publisher allows authors to self-archive articles in open repositories, reserves the conditions under which the article can be published (version of the article, time embargo, license)


A digital object identifier often used in repositories

Horizon Europe

A key EU programme to fund research and innovation

Interoperability of data

the ability of systems to collaborate or exchange data with another system


Research, Development and Innovation Information System; collects information on research, development and innovation supported from public budgets in the Czech Republic

Licence Creative Commons (CC)

A set of public licences through which the author offers to an indefinite number of potential users a licence agreement under which he grants them some of his rights in the work and reserves others


Bibliographic data used to identify and make datasets/publications/results searchable

Metadata standard

Aims to ensure a common understanding of the meaning or semantics of the data/data about the described objects, i.e. to ensure the correct use and interpretation of the data among its owners, systems and users

Open Access

Permanent, immediate free online access to the full text of scientific publications/research data

Open access journal

Professional / scientific journal freely available in open access mode

Open data

Data freely available via the Internet for further mining, exploitation, reproduction and dissemination

Open Peer Review

Open peer review, where authors know the name of the reviewer; alternative peer review methods, which seek to make traditional ("blind" or "closed") peer review more transparent and accountable  

Open Science

A concept promoting greater transparency, openness and collaboration in research based on the dissemination of knowledge through digital and collaborative technologies. Open science includes the sharing and reuse of scientific methodology, data, tools and materials and the accessibility of research results to researchers and the general public (especially when publicly funded)

Open Science center

A support facility aimed at increasing the openness, integrity and reproducibility of research  

OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe)

Infrastructure for open access to research results in Europe  

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

Researcher identifier

Persistent identificator

A long-term digital reference to an object, contributor or organisation that remains constant as a means of identifying the digital object regardless of changes to its location on the Internet

Publication repository

Information system designed for long-term preservation and dissemination of digital objects - publications, i.e. ensuring the storage, protection, integrity, authenticity and accessibility of digital objects in the long term

ReadMe file

How to document the content and structure of the file and/or dataset so that the researcher can find and understand the information needed

Register of Information on Results (RIV)

Part of the research and development information system (IS VaVaI), which collects information on the results achieved in research and development projects and research projects supported by public funds


Enabling the validation of research results and reproducible use in other research projects by different R&D&I actors

Research data

Information, other than scientific publications, in electronic form, which is collected or generated in the course of research or development and is used as evidence in the research or development process or which is generally accepted by the research community as necessary to validate the findings and results of the research or development

Sensitive data

Data intended strictly for the internal use of a well-defined group of persons requires by its nature special regulation or special protection, typically strictly protected by law or by contract/licence


Space for storing live (generated) data, outputs and information


An open science repository where researchers can deposit research papers, reports, datasets, research software and other research-related digital artefacts


Sources used:

OP JAK (2022) Příručka postupů otevřené vědy. Available at:

TA ČR (2023) Výzkumná data a otevřený přístup k výstupům/výsledkům. Available at:

Akademie věd ČR (2023) Předávání dat do RIV. Available at:

Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT) (2023) List of Terms. Available at:

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (2023) Informační systém výzkumu, vývoje a inovací Is VaVaI. Available at:

Ministerstvo vnitra ČR (2023) Co je GDPR. Available at: