Data Management Plan (DMP) consultations
Arrange a consultation on your data management plan or research data brief. Whether you are in the application phase of a project, just planning your DMP, or preparing your first interim report, you can arrange a consultation with the Open Science Centre Data Steward at any time.
How does the consultation work?
- Brief overview of the project by the researcher
- Handing over a tailor-made information package to the researcher
- Including the project-specific Tender documents, Open Science requirements in the project, the DMP template, or information on data categorisation
- Introduction of the DMP template, going through the individual questions
- Providing information on storage options, repositories and meeting Open Science conditions
What do I need to prepare before the consultation?
- Before the consultation, it is ideal to complete the Open Science Questionnaire for Project Investigators. Here you will provide some detailed information about your project or project application.
- Decide whether you prefer a face-to-face or online consultation.
- Send the questionnaire (possibly together with an existing version of the DMP), your preferred form of consultation and your time availability for a possible meeting, to sona.kehmova[at]
Consultation can be scheduled:
- in person at the office A1.109, Open Science Center, Department of Scientific and Pedagogical Information and Services, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno
- online via MS Teams
- via email - sending your first draft DMP/research data description